Marinola is me, a Brazilian girl based in Luxembourg with a lifelong personal and professional journey around food, cooking, health and wellbeing.

As I said Marinola it’s me but I forgot to mention it’s also my business. What do I do? I’m a pastry chef, a cook, private chef and a recipe creator.
My personal journey starts when I was still a little girl and loved to eat but also to hang out in the big family kitchen, watching and tasting everything that was prepared.
It was “just” a passion that I took very serious when a few years later, after business school I decided to join the Alain Ducasse Formation in Rio, followed by Bonnie Gordon College Cake design program and Master Class in Lenotre. 3 schools that made me a Cook and Pastry chef, as I dreamed as a kid.
I LOVE cooking, I love eating, I love baking. Sometimes veggie, sometimes not, sometimes healthy, sometimes not so much… the only rule I try to apply to my cooking now is: It has to be delicious, it has to be fun!

I believe food is love and it’s meant to be shared and enjoyed in the company of our loved ones.
Marinola is all about the love, joy and the energy that food can bring to our lives!